qajaq roll

Rolling course

Rolling courses are for those with basic kayakking skills, including rescue and recovery. The eskimo roll is not a reliable rescue technique, as not even experts depend totally on their ability to roll under all conditions.

Eskimo rolls are great fun and give a lot of practice in general kayak usage, balancing and bracing. We will cover basic rolls first, and progress to advanced rolls as the basic rolls are perfected. It is entirely feasible to learn to roll in one gathering, but we prefer to use two or three sessions to make sure the technique is thoroughly learned.

Rolling course

This 12 hour course runs over 3 gatherings. The ideal course size is 6-8 participants.

Price: kr 2 400, including drysuit rental and course compendium.


Info on current activities, classes and more is available on a new platform only: Go to new website
